
Research Article

Improving the Concrete Compressive and Flexural Strength with a Low Fraction Addition of Carboxylated Nitro-oxidized Cellulose Nanofibrils from Banana Rachis

Ngesa Ezekiel Mushi* and Emmanuel Kagya

Published: 17 September, 2024 | Volume 8 - Issue 1 | Pages: 087-095

Conventionally, concrete strength depends on the bonding interface, especially in hydrated products such as calcium silicate hydrate (CSH). As a result, concrete is sensitive under tensile load. With its unique properties, a low fraction of carboxylated nitro-oxidized cellulose nanofibrils (NOCNF) from the banana rachis is employed to improve the mechanical performance of the concrete nano structurally. Compressive and flexural strength using the NOCNF content at 0, 0.05, and 0.1 wt. % cured in 7 and 28 days were evaluated. Notably, the compressive strength increased by 16% and flexural strength by 13% at 0.1% NOCNF compared to plain concrete after the 28 curing days. A low NOCNF fraction achieved a good, albeit impossible, performance with the microscale fibers. The nanostructured effect was discussed twofold: an excellent interaction between the NOCNF and the hydrated products and the carboxylic groups on the NOCNF surface enhanced the cement hydration. These data are better than the literature based on the small-diameter cellulose nanofibrils without the carboxyl groups. As a sustainable nanocomponent, NOCNF could be a perfect candidate to improve concrete performance under mechanical load.

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Banana rachis; Concrete; Carboxylated nitro-oxidized cellulose nanofibrils; Compressive strength; Flexural strength


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