
Research Article

Evaluation of Performance Research Nuclear Reactors' Steady-state and Kinetic Model Analyses

Esraa Fareed Saeed*

Published: 18 June, 2024 | Volume 8 - Issue 1 | Pages: 039-044

The mainstays of nuclear substance radiation and isotopic synthesis are nuclear-powered power plants, however effective safety evaluation is made tougher by the complicated construction topologies and physical connection effects. This work proposes a multiphysics-linked technique for evaluating both the kinetic and steady-state behaviors of the MPRR and LVR-15 laboratory reactors. To represent complicated member geometries, homogenized assembling sections are generated using two-dimensional whole-core computational simulations. It is discovered that the steady-state findings and the so-called Monte Carl solution comparisons correspond quite nicely. The greatest assemble power mistakes for LVR-15 and MPRR are 6.49%/10%, and the highest command rod value mistakes are 31 pcm/136 pcm, and the mistakes are 377 pcm/383 pcm, accordingly. Meanwhile, the study is done on transitory procedures, such as reactivity-initiated disasters and exposed loss-of-flow mishaps. Both units' modeling findings show plausible adverse feedback events. Furthermore, it is shown that the two reactors' accident-related behaviors are comparable though having different core architectures since they employ the exact same kinds of water as a fluid. The technique for studying nuclear power plant kinetics known as Multi-Physics Simulation (MPM) is explained. Drawing on many research and verification efforts conducted at Politecnico di Milan, Italy, MPM is shown to be a valuable instrument for managing reactors' security and oversight. It may be viewed as a holistic analytical tool that is implemented during the reactor architecture design phase. The capacity to concurrently answer the interrelated equations that control the many physical processes taking place in a nuclear plant inside the same simulated setting is a core characteristic of MPM.

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MPM; Equations; Nuclear power; Plant kinetics


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