
Mini Review

Sea Level Rise Impacts in Coastal Areas and Possible Mitigation Engineering Approaches

Silvano Focardi and Milva Pepi*

Published: 21 July, 2023 | Volume 7 - Issue 1 | Pages: 030-036

Coastal areas are subjected to both natural and man-made actions, leading to a deterioration of coastal structures. Climate change has had a heavy impact on these areas in recent years. An important consequence of these actions is sea level rise. This phenomenon is the most important cause of coastal erosion, a serious problem with ecological, economic, and human health consequences. The countermeasures to contrast this phenomenon and the degradation of the entire coastal system, are represented by engineering interventions. These basically consist of approaches for adaptation to sea level rise, namely protection, retreat, and accommodation. Variations and site adaptation of these actions can involve procedures of no intervention; advancement; protection; retreat; accommodation; and ecosystem-based adaptation. While these procedures have provided coastal benefits and protection, in the long run, they may cause further coastal disruption and further aggravate the situation. Such interventions, therefore, require an accurate assessment of the advantages and disadvantages. However, it is certainly necessary to proceed with actions aimed at mitigating climate change, respecting the rules in a sustainable way.

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Coastal areas; Sea level rise; Climate change; Engineering coastal interventions


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