
Research Article

Understanding RNG Gas Quality through Execution at Newtown Creek WRRF RNG

Pradheep Kileti*, Brian Barkwill and Devinder Mahajan

Published: 25 May, 2023 | Volume 7 - Issue 1 | Pages: 017-023

With each passing year a new record for global emissions is set (1) and policymakers and utility companies must embrace all avenues for decarbonization of energy. Universal adoption of electrification for every building and home by 2050 (2) is not practical, a balance must be struck between an equitable transition to cleaner energy supplies and ensuring uninterrupted, safe delivery of energy to utility customers. Renewable Natual Gas (RNG) is a molecule-for-molecule replacement of traditional geological natural gas with tangible life cycle emissions reductions. California continues to lead the way, initially starting with the low carbon fuel standard (LCFS) which aimed to reduce the carbon intensity of transportation fuel, and subsequently, Senate Bill 1440, which established RNG procurement goals including 12% RNG by 2030 (3). Other States are starting to adopt similar changes such as Oregon’s Senate Bill 98 and Colorado’s Senate Bill 21-264. As utilities attempt to transition the energy network, they must never compromise system safety and reliability. Recognizing that raw biogas has dangerous levels of contaminants of concern (COC) and must be conditioned to pipeline quality, its important utility companies better understand the methods with which methane is extracted and the testing protocols used to confirm performance. This paper highlights the equipment, processes, and testing regime National Grid and its partner the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYC DEP) deployed as part of its Newtown Creek RNG project, which successfully began injecting RNG into the NYC gas distribution network in October 2022.

Read Full Article HTML DOI: 10.29328/journal.acee.1001051 Cite this Article Read Full Article PDF


Renewable natural gas; Newtown Creek WRRF; Gas quality; Gas blending; Gas distribution


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